Mountain House Water Recycling Facility
Tracy, CA
The water recycling facility had the smallest footprint of all alternatives studied… I would not hesitate to again approve PERC Water to deliver another state-of-the-art water reclamation facility.
Paul M. Sensibaugh, PE, Former General Manager, Mountain House Community Services District
PERC Water provided CDR™/Design/Build/Operate services for a Water Recycling Facility (WRF) expansion servicing the Mountain House Master Planned Community. The Phase II PERC Water ASP® facility was designed to replace the existing Phase I facility which was nearing capacity. The Phase II facility provides 3.0 MGD treatment capacity and was completed in July 2005. Projected future phases will allow for an ultimate capacity of 5.4 MGD. The Mountain House WRF is among the first facilities in the United States utilizing a UV Disinfection System certified under NWRI to meet California Title 22 requirements.
In addition to commissioning and startup of the facility, PERC Water operated the facility for an initial operating period of six months and provided operator training services for the CSD’s existing staff.
The Mountain House facility received the highly commended “Water/Wastewater Project of the Year” award from Global Water Intelligence in 2006 and was regarded as one of the first chemical-free treatment facilities in the United States.
Currently, the Mountain House CSD is under contract with our strategic partner PACE to expand the Mountain House WRF and convert the process from 3.0 MGD Hybrid-SBR to a 6.0 MGD Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) treatment process.
Water/Wastewater Project of the Year – Global Water Intelligence

Delivery Method
Phase I: CDR™ / Design / Build / Operate
Phase II: Design / Bid / Build
Project Highlights
- 3.0 MGD (Phase I)
- 6.0 MGD (Phase II)
- 1 acre
- SBR + Tertiary Filters + UV / Phase II Conversion to MBR + UV and Biosolids Upgrade
- Phase I: 6 months (design) / 12 months (construction)
- NPDES Discharge
- 100% privately owned
- Among the first facilities in the United States utilizing a UV Disinfection System certified under NWRI to meet California Title 22
- Offers nearly six times the capacity of the original plant using just one tenth of the land