Asset Management Solution Turn Around Plan (TAP)

Ione, CA

PERC Water has been successfully providing Asset Management services for the Ione Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Castle Oaks Wastewater Recycling Facility, and the Collection System beginning since 2009.


Kim Kerr, Former City Manager, City of Ione

Since 2009, PERC Water has been providing operation, maintenance and management services to the City of Ione’s Castel Oaks Water Reclamation Plant (COWRP), as well as the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Collection System. The City of Ione’s principle objective in contracting their wastewater operations, was to ensure cost effective wastewater operations services and compliance with the City’s permits. PERC Water developed an Asset Management Strategy for the City which improved the efficiency and reliability of the existing operations, decreased overall operational costs, and met its water quality regulations.

After PERC Water evaluated the operations and met with operating staff, they identified several opportunities that would immediately improve the efficiency and reliability of the existing operations. Their Asset Management Team evaluated all aspects of the City’s systems and produced a Turn Around Plan (TAP™). This facility assessment included a detailed analysis of all operating areas, including:

  • Process control/biological loading
  • Staffing utilization
  • Sewer collection system
  • Permits/record keeping/regulatory reporting
  • Corrective and preventive maintenance
  • Energy consumption/power management
  • Sampling and analysis
  • Effluent quality
  • Outside service providers
  • Chemical consumption
  • Process equipment specifications

As a result of this comprehensive assessment, they:

  • Reduced the chemical costs of the tertiary facility by 30%
  • Cut $2,000-3,000 out of the monthly O&M costs
  • Brought the facilities back into compliance with the regulatory permits

The COWRP receives secondary effluent from Preston Reservoir via the Amador Regional Sanitation Authority (ARSA) conveyance system. Title 22 rated effluent from the COWRP discharges to the Castle Oaks golf course lakes and is used for irrigation of the fairways and greens.

The WWTP treats sewage from the residents as well as backwash water from the local potable water treatment plant. Effluent from the secondary treatment facility is discharged into evaporation basins located adjacent to the treatment facility.

Project Highlights

  • Improved efficiency and reliability of existing operations
  • Reduced the chemical costs of the tertiary facility by 30%
  • Cut $2,000-3,000 out of the monthly O&M costs
  • Brought the facilities back into water quality compliance with the State