The Integrated Water Master Plan for Water Infrastructure for the City of Surprise, AZ (City) dated July 2009 outlined one through six management basins identified as Surprise Planning Areas (SPA). PERC Water completed four Customized Design Reports (CDR™) with four different developer groups in SPA 2, 3, 4 and 5 to design, permit, build and start-up new Water Reclamation Facilities in each of the four SPA basins. SPA 3 was designed with a Phase I treatment capacity of 1.8 MGD or approximately 9,000 homes.
The Developer group was represented by Austin Ranch Utilities who contracted with PERC Water for a Customized Design Report (CDR™) in 2005. As was the case with SPA 2, the CDR™ then became part of the Joint Development Agreement (JDA) between the City and Austin Ranch Utilities and the basis for a design/build/operate contract between the Austin Ranch Utilities and PERC Water.
PERC Water commenced construction in July 2007 and completed construction in September 2008. The SPA 3 WRF is based on the PERC ASP® hybrid-sequential batch reactor process. The SPA 3 WRF has a unique design whereby all treatment of wastewater occurs in below grade concrete processing tanks with 7,200 square feet of aesthetically pleasing operations buildings built above the process tanks resulting in reduced land use, noise, and odors.
PERC Water’s Asset Management Division has been managing the operations and maintenance of the SPA 3 WRF for the past 10 years.
DBIA Western Pacific Region’s “Best Project – Water” Regional Award

Delivery Method
CDR™ / Design / Build / Operate
Project Highlights
- 1.8 MGD Capacity
- Lift Station and Force Main
- 1 acre
- Hybrid-SBR + Tertiary Filtration + UV
- 6 months (design) / 18 months (construction)
- Professional offices, lab, and conference room
- Groundwater recharge basins
- 100% privately financed