
PERC Water has designed over 60 water and wastewater facilities, offering a seamless approach from design to construction and operation. This integrated process allows us to tailor the best proven solutions for our clients while maximizing efficiency and cost savings. Through each phase of a project, we incorporate our operators’ knowledge and expertise to select the right equipment and design layout for each facility. Drawing from extensive research and experience, we have also developed a specialized Activated Sludge Process design that provides efficient, environmentally sensitive solutions for wastewater treatment.

Our design guarantees:

  • Peak water quality
  • Fixed capital costs, operating expenses, and delivery schedule
  • Minimal environmental footprint (Underground Treatment)
  • Odor Control and Noise Reduction (Covered Process Tanks)
  • Cost-Sensitive Design Features (Common wall construction)
  • Scalability

Lake Oswego Rendering-PERC Water

Infrastructure Development

PERC Water utilizes creative design and vision to offer land reuse and repurposing opportunities for major water and wastewater projects. Our passionate collaboration with municipalities, districts, and land developers provides a clear roadmap to enhance, maximize, and capitalize on the valuable asset of land.

Our expertise involves:

  • Developing solutions to replace aged and out-of-compliance infrastructure with aesthetically pleasing and neighbor-friendly facilities
  • Designing recycled water facilities equal to or better than what current regulatory requirements mandate
  • Providing vision and design for small footprint facilities to maximize on the availability of developable land
  • Eliminating and/or reducing noise and odor utilizing modern technologies
  • Stabilizing costs for citizens/ratepayers for recycled water

Palm Valley Construction Management-PERC Water

Alternative Project Delivery

In response to the traditional Design-Bid-Build project approach with significant uncertainties with respect to cost, schedule and performance, PERC Water offers a single, unified design, construction and operations team through:

  • Design-Build
  • Design-Build-Operate
  • Design-Build-Operate-Finance 

These integrated approaches are proven to result in cost-saving construction techniques and a more economical design, which reduces life-cycle cost and limits the client’s risk.

Sarival Rendering-PERC Water

Construction Management

The PERC Water construction management approach focuses on building the right team and managing risk, budget, scope and timeline. Our approach is complete connectivity between the design and construction phases of the project. The PERC Water team can anticipate issues long before possible barriers become a costly reality. Services offered include:

  • Cost management
  • Time management
  • Quality management
  • Contract administration
  • Safety management
  • Construction management professional practices

Santa Paula Construction-PERC Water

Operations and Maintenance

PERC Water is a water quality and risk management firm providing clients with a Total Solution™ for water recycling needs. Our team members have more than 30 years of experience providing innovative and proven engineering, construction, and operations on projects throughout the United States and abroad. A key element of PERC’s Total Solution™ is Operation and Maintenance (O&M). PERC Water recognizes water reclamation facilities as highly specialized and complex production facilities, and as a result, has developed practices such as our proprietary Operation and Maintenance Staffing Recruit, Operate, Train, and Transition Employees (ROTATE™) program which assists our clients with staffing. Overall, our O&M guarantees:

  • Cost
  • Energy efficiency
  • Extended equipment warranties
  • Regulatory compliance


Concessions and Asset Management

PERC Water recognizes that water recycling facilities are highly-specialized, state-of-the-art production facilities and assets to their city and community. We have found that municipalities can leverage operational efficiencies, like alternative energy solutions, within this existing infrastructure in exchange for an up-front cash payment to the city.

Essentially, cities can extract value they didn’t know they had out of an asset they already own.

The purpose of PERC Water’s Asset Management Team is to minimize the client’s total cost to own and operate the facility, increase the overall efficiency of the facility and to deliver the highest level of service to every client. Our approach is focused on achieving four goals:

  • Long-term reliable service
  • Outstanding process performance
  • Budget-responsible and efficient operation
  • An extended life-cycle

Our Asset Management and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) division also features a program designed to assist water infrastructure owners in restructuring their operations to bring a facility into compliance. As part of this program, we provide our clients with PERC Water’s proprietary Turn Around Plan (TAP™). PERC Water’s TAP™ services include a comprehensive evaluation of the existing facility, a solution to bring the facility back into compliance within current applicable regulatory requirements, an assessment of the facility’s energy consumption and a full evaluation of alternate operational approaches to maintain such compliance over the long term. PERC Water has a proven track record in bringing non-compliant facilities into compliance with current applicable regulatory requirements.

SP WRF Interior-PERC Water

Advisory and Consulting

PERC Water’s advisory and utility services group provides our clients a suite of engineering, financial, management, and terotechnology expertise to guide our clients in assessing the lifecycle impact on revenues and expenses of acquiring, building and operating water treatment infrastructure. Increasing global water scarcity combined with rapid technological changes, challenge our notion of business as usual and presents the water industry with risks and opportunities not previously encountered. The decisions for acquiring, upgrading or replacing water infrastructure requires careful planning to achieve the right outcomes. PERC Water’s advisory services team aims to leverage and maximize the return on these investments for our clients through the following:

  • Facilities Optimization
  • Operator Training
  • Project Finance Turnaround Plans (TAP™)
  • Waste-to-Energy
  • Automation and Controls
  • Billing and Customer Services
  • Meter Reading

Advisory Services

Public-Private Partnership

PERC Water is considered an industry expert in the utilization of public-private partnerships, and in particular, we developed the first 100% privately funded water recycling facility in the US. We have developed strategic partnerships with prominent infrastructure investment firms who are seeking mission critical infrastructure investments with a low risk profile, such as water and wastewater related assets. In the current market, private financing sources are readily available to be deployed, typically without the timing constraints that are required for State Revolving Fund and/or municipal bond financing arrangements, and can accelerate the timing of a new project launch and completion.

The key advantage of utilizing project financing is that these investors focus on lifecycle perspective, whereby they invest up front in design and construction costs necessary to deliver the appropriate level of service over the life of the project and remove the uncertainty of project financing and future capital expenditures from clients.

Pacific Grove Council Watering-PERC Water


We are proud of our relationships with California Regional Boards, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and numerous federal and state agencies. PERC Water representatives are highly regarded as the consistent provider of professional asset management services through our efforts to bring underperforming facilities into compliance.

Our experience in guiding clients through the often-complex permitting processes at municipal, state and federal levels includes: 

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  • Reuse (CA Title 22 and AZ Title 18 Class A+)
  • Air Quality
  • Storm Water
  • Local Reviews (building permits, traffic control, hazardous materials, planning and zoning, and conditional use)
    Waters of the U.S. (dredging, utility placement, and outfall construction)
