As a leader in providing Operations and Maintenance services, we have a strong and committed combination of proven, long-term, performance-based operations experience including advanced water purification facilities. Our team of experts is able to add enormous value to a project by providing upstream operability review and design insight prior to a facility being built.
Transparent Partnership

Asset Management
Water recycling facilities are assets to cities and communities. Our purpose is to minimize the client’s total cost to own and operate the facility, increase the overall efficiency, and deliver the highest level of service. Essentially, cities can extract value they didn’t know they had out of an asset they already own.

Operations and Maintenance
PERC Water recognizes that water and wastewater facilities are highly specialized and complex. We have developed practices that ensure efficient production while staying compliant with regulations. Our goals are outstanding process performance, budget-responsible, and extended life-cycle.

The decision to acquire, upgrade or replace water infrastructure requires careful planning. We can provide our clients a suite of engineering, financial, management, and terotechnology expertise to guide our clients in assessing the lifecycle impact on revenues and expenses.

Our proprietary Operation and Maintenance Staffing Recruit, Operate, Train, and Transition Employees (ROTATE™) program was established to assist clients who desire to eventually operate their water and wastewater utilities independent of outside entities. Our services include hiring and training staff prior to transitioning to the client.

Turn Around Plan
Through our Turn Around Plan (TAP™) we are able to provide clients with a comprehensive evaluation of their facility, a solution to bring the facility back into compliance, assess energy consumption, and evaluate alternate operational approaches for long-term compliance.